The Wandering Monk

The Story of Saint Francis of Asissi

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Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis was born in Assisi, Italy in 1182. He was born the son of a rich cloth merchant and enjoyed his early days romping throughout the town partying and joking with his friends.  As with many boys in those days, Francis wanted to become a famous knight coming home from battle in glorious envy.  He clothed himself in the finest armor and headed out to seek his fame upon his mighty steed.  While away, Francis had a vision where God told him to return and serve the master rather than the man.  Francis obeyed and returned to the disappointment of his dishonored father.  Francis' life started to change little by little after his return.  He gave away his possessions and chose to live a life of poverty despite his father's urgings to continue the family business and become a man.  He lived humbly but without focus until one day he was praying in a little chapel nearby and heard the crucifix speak to him.  He was told by Christ to rebuild the church.  In Francis' enthusiasm to follow God's word, he started to literally rebuild the little chapel brick by brick.  Eventually, others were moved by this beggars simple lifestyle and single devotion to God and they, too, wished to join him.  Francis and his follows lived and preached a life of poverty and love of God to all men. He founded the religious Order of the Franciscans; with St. Clare, he founded the Order of the Poor Clares; and the Third Order for lay people. After much suffering and pain upon bearing the stigmata, Francis died in the arms of his brothers in 1226.